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The effects of a progressive tax reform

Tax progressivity is a cornerstone of government redistribution efforts worldwide. Yet, despite its widespread use, much remains unknown about how individuals respond – not just in their stated preferences, but also in their actual behaviour. This column examines the real-world impacts of a progressive tax reform in Argentina and finds causal evidence that the reform […]


The case for management managing ownership

In Japan, where intercorporate strategic shareholding is widespread, management often takes an active role in managing company ownership. This column describes how Japanese management manages ownership of their companies to promote and preserve strategic investments. The stock market reacts positively to this process and the transfer of blocks of shares from one strategic investor to […]


Elderly employment in Malaysia: Does it reduce job opportunities for youth?

Like many other countries, Malaysia is confronted with a rapidly aging population. As it ages, Malaysia faces a number of policy challenges, including the financial protection of older people. This blog looks at the economic effects of Malaysians working for longer to ensure that they have enough savings for retirement. In the coming decades, aging […]


Three mindset shifts to build digital and AI empowered education systems

Menab, 8, from Ethiopia attends a school without electricity and has never used the internet. His teacher, Bethel, 25, wants to take a mobile-based teacher training course but can’t afford the data. With his teacher’s support, Hendrik, 14, from Estonia accesses and uses state-provided interactive digital learning materials on his device. Meanwhile, 10-year-old Juanfrom Argentina struggles with […]


Beyond Blue Sky Research

How can the world respond to climate change? For a long time, answers to that question focused almost exclusively on mitigation – reducing the amount of carbon and other greenhouse gases emitted. Recently, adaptation has received more attention as the consequences of climate change have begun to manifest. But those two options – mitigation or […]


Leveraging large language models for large-scale information retrieval in economics

The flood of new economics research makes it hard for policymakers and researchers to keep up. Traditional keyword searches often fail to capture the nuance of a paper’s causal design or how variables interact. This column introduces a methodology that uses large language models to process and synthesise tens of thousands of economics papers. The […]


Home bias and China’s global standing in science

China’s emergence as the world’s leading producer of scientific publications has raised concerns about the West’s technological edge and the quality of China’s output. This column investigates the publishing phenomenon of ‘home bias’ – whereby researchers disproportionately cite papers from their own country – and finds that China exhibits the largest home bias across all […]


Uttarakhand’s water revolution: A pivotal shift from infrastructure to service delivery

For years, water programs have focused on building infrastructure—pipelines, tanks, and pumping stations. But we see that in Uttarakhand, a hilly state in northern India known for its stunning natural beauty and rich cultural heritage, a pivotal shift is underway. Rather than just building more, the state is laser-focused on delivering reliable, high-quality water service […]


Financial inclusion in Africa: Progress, challenges, and the road ahead

Imagine that everyone in Africa, from vendors in the bustling markets of Cairo, to agricultural workers in the remote villages of Kenya, had the power to save, borrow, and spend money with ease. This is the goal of financial inclusion in Africa. Data from the World Bank’s Global Findex 2021 reveals that while rapid expansion of mobile […]


AI’s impact on jobs may be smaller in developing countries

Artificial intelligence is transforming the global workforce, but its impact may not affect all regions equally. Much of the conversation about AI and jobs focuses on high-income countries—where the technology threatens to reshape entire industries. But what will AI mean for workers in developing nations, who constitute 80 percent of the global workforce? To better understand […]