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Climate Environment Featured

The green transition and public finances: Balancing climate mitigation and fiscal sustainability

The need to mitigate climate change has never been more urgent. Governments play a critical role in the green transition, through green public investment, subsidies, and implementing carbon pricing policies. This column uses a macro-climate model to examine the interplay between mitigation policies and fiscal sustainability considerations. It highlights a key trade-off between limiting transition […]

Education Business Featured

Enhancing mothers’ employment quality through longer school schedules: Lessons from Chile

Working mothers often face lower wages, fewer formal contracts, and less job security than their male counterparts, a disparity that is exacerbated by traditional gender roles and the time-intensive nature of childrearing. This column reports on a study of the potential of longer school hours as a strategy for improving their employment opportunities, providing compelling […]

Featured Business Education

Heterogeneity in gender differences in willingness to guess

Multiple-choice tests are widely used to evaluate job candidates, but attitudes towards risk can influence gender differences in test performance. This column analyses data from a large multiple-choice admission exam for the medical profession in Spain. Gender differences in answering strategies negatively affect women in the upper part of the performance distribution. Reducing penalties for […]

Technology Business Featured

Software’s impact on labour’s income share: New evidence

The declining labour share of income in advanced economies is an important topic for policymakers. This column studies how different types of capital interact with labour using firm-level data from Korea. It shows that equipment capital and labour are complements, but software (a part of intangible capital) and labour are substitutes. As software improves, labour […]

Finance Business Featured

Household inflation expectations: Taking stock of the recent research insights for monetary policy

Household inflation expectations feature prominently in current central bank policy discussions. This column summarises key insights from the recent literature on household inflation expectations for the conduct of monetary policy. First, households appear to act on their beliefs about inflation, yet often in heterogeneous and context-dependent ways. Second, household inflation expectations present significant deviations from […]

Featured Economy Lifestyle News

Right to work part-time increases mothers’ labour income

Flexible working time arrangements can help parents reconcile family and work commitments. This column examines the impact of the statutory right to work part-time on the labour supply and labour income of eligible mothers in Germany. The entitlement to work part-time leads to an increase in part-time employment, in the short and long run, and […]

Environment Featured trade World

Voluntary emission restraints in developing economies: The limited role of trade policy

As the fight against climate change intensifies, governments are exploring all available policy tools, including trade policy. But does it actually help? This column examines the case of developing countries fulfilling their voluntary emission reduction pledges under the Paris Agreement. Our findings suggest a limited role for trade policy as a climate strategy. Tariff reforms […]

Economy Business Featured Finance

Political expression of academics on social media

Social media platforms allow for immediate and widespread dissemination of scientific discourse. However, social media may distort public perceptions of academia through two channels: the set of topics being discussed and the style of communication. This column uses a global dataset of 100,000 scholars to study the content, tone, and focus of their social media […]