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Gaining efficiencies by financing European public goods together

European public goods are public goods which can be more effectively provided at the EU level than the national level. This column argues that the EU’s new multiannual financial framework should focus on the benefits of common spending on such public goods, because they exploit positive cross-border spillovers and offer economies-of-scale. They do not need […]


Good managers, better matches: Job allocation effects on worker productivity

How do good managers impact worker productivity? Mechanisms like motivation and monitoring are well-known, but how important are other channels? This column analyses new data from a large multinational firm to find that good managers – as revealed by their speed of promotion – significantly boost worker performance. The key mechanism behind this effect is […]


The impact of the Superbonus on Italian construction costs

The ‘Superbonus’ – a generous tax credit for certain building renovations – was one of the largest fiscal programmes implemented in Italy after the outbreak of the pandemic. This columns examines the impact of the programme on construction costs. The authors find that the Superbonus played a significant role in the growth of Italian construction […]


Child penalties and parental role models: How classroom exposure shapes gender gaps

Child penalties – the disproportionate career impact of parenthood on women relative to men – are a persistent driver of gender inequality in the labour market. Despite policy efforts, these penalties remain stubbornly high. Using rich data from the US, this column explores the effect of exposure to peers during adolescence. Greater exposure to working […]


The implications of severe weather events for the economy and monetary policy

Climate change is intensifying, generating more frequent and severe extreme weather events. These are in turn affecting the economy through a range of mechanisms, including supply, demand, and financial channels, and over time horizons relevant for monetary policymakers. This first in a three-column series sets out a framework to assist central banks in assessing and […]


Raising female employment in South Asia, one step at a time

South Asia’s female labor force participation today remains among the lowest in the world: More than 400 million working-age women in the region are outside of the labor force, which constitutes a significant output loss. South Asia’s working women face supply-side and demand-side obstacles, as well as unfavorable social norms. A recent conference, co-hosted by […]


Equipping India’s workforce for the green transition

Several economies worldwide, including India, are pushing for cleaner growth and a greener future. As more countries shift toward renewables and sustainable practices, demand for so-called “green jobs” is expected to rise sharply. But these ambitions rest on one crucial factor—skills. Both current and future workers will need to be equipped to thrive in a […]


South Asia rising to the challenge: From climate vulnerability to resilience

South Asia, a region with some of the world’s fastest-growing countries and a vast, dynamic human capital base, is achieving notable economic progress. However, the region is vulnerable to climate change impacts—including floods, droughts, cyclones, and extreme heatwaves—that pose a significant risk to its growth trajectory, infrastructure, and peoples’ livelihoods. Without urgent and proactive investments in adaptation […]


Cameroon at a crossroads: urgent call for fiscal transformation

Despite its natural resources and dynamic people, Cameroon’s economic progress has stalled, leaving income per capita below what it was in the 1980s. Why? Weak governance, conflict, insecurity, and climate change have drained public resources and pushed the country deeper into debt distress risk. With a savings rate and investment levels far below of that […]