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Finance Banking Development Featured

The rise of sovereign–bank nexus risks in developing economies

The exposure of domestic banks in emerging market and developing economies to local sovereign debt has grown rapidly over the last decade. This column analyses the current state and potential implications of the evolving sovereign–bank nexus in these economies. Although most banks appear to have adequate buffers to withstand future shocks, a deterioration of the […]

tax Business Featured

Hidden profits, lost jobs: The link between tax havens and employment

Multinational enterprises have long been scrutinised for their ability to shift profits across borders, using tax havens to minimise tax liabilities. Yet, there is little discussion of the ways in which tax havens shape domestic market structures. This column explores the employment responses to multinationals’ use of tax havens. While reduced taxes can increase employment […]

World Economy Featured

Key issues in economic analysis in an increasingly turbulent security environment

After a period of rapid growth, recent trends in world trade reveal a phase of stagnation. Rising geopolitical tensions have been accompanied by trade restrictions in the name of national and economic security. This column argues that analysis of economic security measures should consider multiple dimensions, including the effect on global supply chains, efficiency, costs, […]

Climate Environment Finance World

Sovereign emissions: Circumstances versus effort

Evaluating sovereign emissions closely resembles the nature versus nurture debate; we must consider both the inherent structural factors of countries such as demography, geography, and climate and the discretionary policies countries adopt to protect the environment and promote sustainability. This column introduces a new global sovereign emissions model, which shows that more than 50% of […]

Economy Featured Finance World

Macroeconomic implications of the recent surge of immigration to the EU

Driven largely by refugees from Ukraine, the EU saw immigration of non-EU citizens surge in 2022. This column discusses the macroeconomic implications of this immigration surge and suggests a positive effect on potential output in the range of 0.2-0.7% by 2030 for recipient countries. On the flipside, the large inflow had initial fiscal costs and […]

trade Featured Finance World

Supply chain shortages, large firms’ market power, and inflation

The Covid-19 pandemic and ongoing geopolitical tensions have revealed the fragility of global supply chains. This column studies the link between supply chain disruptions and the increase in firm market power. It shows that following a supply chain shortage, larger firms gained a competitive advantage due to their diversified supplier networks and greater bargaining power. […]

Education Economy Featured Healthcare

Reassessing the mental health crisis among PhD students

The mental health of PhD students has become a growing concern, with reports highlighting high rates of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. However, much of this research relies on small surveys. This column uses large-scale administrative data from Sweden to provide a more comprehensive analysis of the mental health risks of doctoral education, and finds […]

Development Featured Finance

Who holds sovereign debt and why it matters

Globally, government debt has increased substantially since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and geopolitical tensions. This columns asks who the investors that hold government debt are, and whether the ownership composition matters. Overall, as debt increases, non-bank investors, in particular investment funds, take up more of this debt than other investor groups. Emerging market […]

Healthcare Economy Featured

Digital access and infectious disease spread

While digital connectivity can greatly enhance healthcare delivery, especially in regions lacking traditional medical facilities, the overall impact of this increased access to information remains a topic of ongoing evaluation and debate. This column examines the effect of internet access on COVID-19 spread in Indonesia, a developing country characterised by considerable variations in both mobile […]

Banking Featured Finance

Addressing banks’ vulnerability to runs, part 2: Policy options

The banking turmoil in March 2023 was the most significant system-wide banking stress event since the global crisis. This second column in a two-part series discusses policy options to adjust bank regulatory and supervisory frameworks, considering pros and cons. Some options (such as narrow banking or full deposit insurance) appear impractical or too costly, while […]