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Healthcare Economy Featured World

The overlooked economic value of adult informal care

Unpaid care provided by family members or friends remains the predominant form of support for older people in Europe. This column examines ways to measure the value of informal care and presents estimates using a wellbeing-based methodology. The findings suggest that the compensating surplus – the income equivalent required to offset the disutility experienced by […]

Education Featured media World

Early school-leaving and dismal life events: Homelessness, incarceration, and substance use

Preventing early school-leaving can enable disadvantaged youth to break cycles of multi-dimensional disadvantage. This column analyses a sample of Australians with high rates of early school-leaving to gauge its effects on the most disadvantaged students. For men, leaving school before age 18 increases the likelihood of experiencing homeless, being incarcerated, using cannabis daily, and using […]

Politics Economy Featured News

Completing Ukraine’s reconstruction architecture

Reports that the Russian war in Ukraine may end this year reinforce the necessity of planning Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction. This column takes stock of what has been accomplished so far and what still needs to be done. Missing elements include a transparent and coherent tracking system for reconstruction aid; an institution to serve as a […]

Energy Featured World

Contracts in the reform of the EU electricity market

Fighting global warming requires huge investments in decarbonated energy generation. To address this challenge, the European authorities introduced a regulation promoting the use of long-term contracts. This column argues that while well-designed long-term contracts are good instruments for attracting investment in new generations, preserving the price signal in the wholesale market for efficient dispatching, and […]

World Featured News trade

Non-trade objectives in trade agreements and sustainability goals

Trade agreements increasingly include a focus on sustainability goals. This column examines the impact of environmental, labour, and civil rights provisions in trade agreements on related outcomes in developing countries. Enforceable provisions have little effect on performance indicators, whereas non-enforceable provisions in non-EU preferential trade agreements are accompanied by a deterioration in several outcome measures. […]

Development Featured Finance Lifestyle

Gender bias in access to finance and implications for capital misallocation

Access to finance is essential for firm growth, but women-led businesses often face significant demand-side and supply-side barriers to access. This column presents an analysis of World Bank Enterprise Survey data from 61 countries. While women-managed firms are equally likely to apply for and receive credit as their counterparts managed by men, they receive lower […]

Finance Business Economy Featured

Addressing European competitiveness: Investment, integration, and simplification

In an increasingly volatile global landscape, there is an urgent need to enhance Europe’s competitiveness and address its security needs. This column, drawing on the 2025 European Investment Bank Investment Report, emphasises three key drivers to consolidate Europe as a global leader. First, it needs to unlock business opportunities via market integration and simplification of […]

Covid-19 Business Featured Finance

The COVID pandemic and public support for the euro

The COVID pandemic had disastrous effects on health and economic activity worldwide. In the euro area, mandatory lockdowns contributed to a sharp fall in production and a rapid rise in unemployment, inducing an expansionary fiscal and monetary response. This column examines the effects of the pandemic and the ensuing economic policies on public support for […]

Education Featured Innovation Productivity

Leading schools, raising scores: The role of management in education

There is clear consensus on the importance of teachers for student outcomes. This column focuses on a less studied factor: management quality. Exploting a quasi-natural experiment setting in Italy, where high schools underwent changes in leadership between 2011 and 2015, the authors show that better management practices significantly improved academic performance and increased students’ aspirations […]

Finance Banking Featured World

Corporate sector vulnerabilities in a high-rate world: Growing risks to financial stability

Elevated corporate debt and high interest rates amid heightened uncertainty will test global economic resilience. Moreover, the increasing role of nonbank financial institutions in credit intermediation raises concerns about the potential amplification of financial risks. This column explores emerging corporate vulnerabilities and financial stability risks in an environment of elevated debt and persistently high-interest rates. […]