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Technology World

U.S. seeks to prevent China from benefiting from $52 billion chips funding

The U.S. Commerce Department on Tuesday released proposed rules to prevent $52 billion in semiconductor manufacturing and research funding from being used by China and other countries deemed of concern. The proposal limits recipients of U.S. funding from investing in the expansion of semiconductor manufacturing in foreign countries of concern such as China and Russia, […]

Business World

Cash-transfer programs can offer effective protection against aggregate shocks in the Philippines

Helping beneficiary households better cope with adverse life events is one of the main assurances of social protection programs.  By providing a basic income, cash transfer programs are designed to keep a household from falling further into poverty. Such poverty traps can occur, if for example, a household is forced to sell their assets or assume […]

Energy World

Declining coal prices reflect a reshaping of global energy trade

Coal prices have been retreating from their highs in 2022 but they remain well above the 2017-2021 average. Global coal consumption levels reached an all-time high in 2022, led by India and China.  On the supply side, increased exports by countries such as South Africa and Colombia—whose combined share in total European imports has been 35% […]

Business Finance

What we’re reading about the social externalities from jobs

The effects of poor employment outcomes are not limited to those experiencing them directly. There is growing evidence of substantial benefits to broader society from the creation of better jobs. However, studies on social externalities from jobs, such as social cohesion, crime and violence, terrorism, subjective well-being, and parenting, tend to be disparate and loosely […]

Business Finance

The April 2023 Global Sovereign Debt Roundtable: Time for meaningful debt restructuring

In advance of the next meeting of the Sovereign Debt Roundtable on April 12, I want to provide a quick update on recent developments and reiterate my call for prompt action toward debt sustainability for debt distressed countries. In my remarks at the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors on February 24, 2023, I outlined the […]

Covid-19 Healthcare

Remembering the lessons of COVID-19 to build resilience for future shocks in Europe and Central Asia

From January 2020 until recently, COVID-19 dominated international headlines and our thoughts. Europe and Central Asia were severely hit by COVID-19, facing among the highest excess death rates in the world. As we start to mask less and come together more, we should reflect on the ramifications of COVID-19 and how we are helping the most vulnerable […]

Environment World

Climate Change and Paris Alignment: “The Climate is Changing, and So Are We”

Our upcoming Spring Meetings will focus on Reshaping Development for a New Era – this is an excellent opportunity to take stock of progress being made to tackle the many challenges facing global development, including climate change. The World Bank’s journey to integrate climate into its development programs began decades ago and has evolved to support developing […]

Business Economy

The difficulty of designating gatekeepers under the EU Digital Markets Act

The impact and effectiveness of the European Union’s new landmark digital competition law, the Digital Markets Act , will depend on the designation of ‘gatekeepers’ – or the hard-to-avoid platforms that dominate the digital economy and which will be covered by the DMA. Designation is critical since non-gatekeepers will not have to comply with the list […]