Covid-19 Economy Reviewing three years of COVID-19 with consumption big data The Covid-19 pandemic transformed consumer behaviour. This column describes how the METI Big Data Project, initiated prior to the pandemic,... BY GLOBAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE MAGAZINE September 11, 2023 0 Comment
Covid-19 Healthcare Rebuilding economies after COVID-19: Will countries recover? SDG 8 aims to promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full employment, and decent work for all. But COVID-19... BY GLOBAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE MAGAZINE September 6, 2023 0 Comment
Covid-19 Business COVID and cities, thus far Residential prices in the US increased in the suburbs during the pandemic relative to neighbourhoods closer to city centres, reflecting... BY GLOBAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE MAGAZINE September 4, 2023 0 Comment
Education Covid-19 First estimates of global learning loss in student achievement using... At the World Bank, and with partners, we have been tracking the learning losses from COVID-19 for the past three... BY GLOBAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE MAGAZINE August 31, 2023 0 Comment
World Covid-19 Looking back: Insights from the World Bank COVID-19 household monitoring... In June 2023, the COVID-19 Household Monitoring Dashboard released its 18th edition. For over 3 years, the dashboard has shared... BY GLOBAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE MAGAZINE August 22, 2023 0 Comment
Covid-19 Healthcare News Falling food prices, yet much higher than pre-covid The World Bank’s food price index has been relatively stable during the past seven months as declines in the prices... BY GLOBAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE MAGAZINE August 16, 2023 0 Comment
Covid-19 Education World Rebuilding education systems after COVID-19: How the pandemic has impacted... Progress towards SDG 4, which aims to provide high-quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all children, was severely disrupted... BY GLOBAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE MAGAZINE August 2, 2023 0 Comment
Covid-19 Healthcare Sustainable financing for health: Forging a new path On the eve of the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact convened later this month by the government of... BY GLOBAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE MAGAZINE June 16, 2023 0 Comment
Covid-19 Healthcare World A Potential Backslide in Mental Health Care for Millions of... he COVID-19 Public Health Emergency declaration expires in less than a month. When it does, it will have broad-sweeping effects, and one... BY GLOBAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE MAGAZINE April 20, 2023 0 Comment
Covid-19 Healthcare The uneven impact of the pandemic on women and minorities Almost three years after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the recovery has not been full or homogenous for all... BY GLOBAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE MAGAZINE March 21, 2023 0 Comment