Economy Energy Accelerating Mediterranean Integration Through Energy As Mediterranean countries look to chart a path forward in the wake of the multiple crises that have upended economies,... BY GLOBAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE MAGAZINE February 9, 2023 0 Comments
Energy Environment Hydrogen accelerates energy transition in developing countries Low-carbon hydrogen is a unique fuel with a high potential to address climate change and development. It can help accelerate decarbonization... BY GLOBAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE MAGAZINE February 9, 2023 0 Comments
Economy Finance How the Dollar-A-Day Poverty Line Changed International Development Over three decades ago, economic researcher Martin Ravallion and his colleagues found a way to identify and quantify the world’s... BY GLOBAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE MAGAZINE February 9, 2023 0 Comments
Business Economy Asia and the Pacific’s Developing Countries Need a Mission to... As the region recovers from the pandemic there is an opportunity to rethink how development is undertaken and to deploy... BY GLOBAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE MAGAZINE February 9, 2023 0 Comments
Finance The political origin of financial market dislocations: How an amusement... The experience of the UK with the Liz Truss government and its ‘mini budget’ brought to the fore the importance... BY GLOBAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE MAGAZINE February 6, 2023 0 Comments
Featured The origins of women’s rights In 1979, the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women set an agenda for expanding... BY GLOBAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE MAGAZINE February 6, 2023 0 Comments
Business Trade policy and deterring war: The case of Ukraine since... The EU, the UK, and the US have sought in recent months to discourage Russia from sending military forces into... BY GLOBAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE MAGAZINE February 6, 2023 0 Comments
Economy Environment How Providing Sustainable Finance to More Women Helps Fight Climate... Women´s contributions to climate action are severely limited by systems that downplay women´s roles, capacity, and potential. Greater access to... BY GLOBAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE MAGAZINE February 6, 2023 0 Comments
Banking Green QE and carbon pricing: Looking at potential tools to... While there is broad consensus that carbon pricing (i.e. a carbon tax) is an effective instrument for combatting climate change... BY GLOBAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE MAGAZINE February 6, 2023 0 Comments
Energy The energy crisis and the German manufacturing sector: Structural change... Historically, despite being high in international comparison, European energy prices did not constitute an insurmountable obstacle to industrial expansion because... BY GLOBAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE MAGAZINE February 6, 2023 0 Comments